Tuesday, June 6, 2017

ramadhan 2017: yama - ahimsa

nonviolence. ahimsa, the very first of the markers that denote yogic practice, in yama - yogic rules of conduct.

but, ahimsa is more than not being violent, iyengar tells us in the light on yoga. ahimsa, the absence of violence, is love. it is being love. what does it mean to be love?

ahimsa, is meeting opposition, without resistance. it is loving someone unconditionally, knowing that they are part in parsel of the One-ness we are all part of, while at once being able to oppose their actions, their hurtful views...as, ultimately, these actions/views, if they are hurtful, are not self.

ahimsa, is also more than just dogma. it is more than believing non-violence, theoretically, and then neglecting this in deed. for instance, i have been eating flesh these days. i believe in ahimsa, but what does it mean to believe in something if the walk is not there. arguably, one can eat flesh and be ahimsa, depending on how they engaged with that flesh, how it was sourced, how often they consume flesh.

conversely, one can be vegetarian, and still be engaged in violent intentions, thoughts, anger, destructiveness.

ahimsa is more than appearances, it is a living from a place of genuine love.

recently met a sister who was well spoken in yogic philosophy, in living in many ways aligned with the teachings of guru. yet, much of her speak was in opposition to others, in judgement of others, in deriding those who were doing what she considered as cheapening yoga. how ahimsa can you be if you hold others in such vitriolic regard?

ramadhan is a an opportunity at ahimsa. if not, if otherwise, what?

that is, what are we/am i giving up, fasting from? if it is just following dictates, then i will certainly still benefit, as there is a divine design to the month. but the Recitation encourages us, at every juncture, to think, to go deeper.

what is it that you are consciously letting go of this month, that is more than just about you? how are your actions supporting the balance of the One-ness, as reflected in the plurality of trees, peoples, water life, other species?

i'd like to grow deeper in ahimsa, in being love, in being this in how i speak with others, in how i eat (thus in relation to my body) after breaking fast, in weaning off flesh once again.

how will you grow deeper in ahimsa in yourself? 

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