Monday, June 5, 2017

ramadhan revelations

today, during my second practice, i learned that the body indeed has more reserve than i am led to believe at times...that purusha indeed gives existence to prakriti, as detailed in samkhya thought as understood by yogis, vadiyas, and vedantists..

did a strong 2nd practice, and somehow, it only gave me more strength...i believe the practice throughout the year, outside ramdhan has partially prepared me for that, i usually will wait to eat until i have completed my practice, even if it has been a while since my last meal...this method, allows me to be empty and go deeper in breath and through a strong practice, quench my appetite...

...also learned the importance of grounding in rituals that are not the screen...that, like food, sex, and other desires/lusts, the screen, being behind this screen is also a lust, a type of macro-micro-chip nutrient that feeds the tamas in you, the inert, lethargic, you, the one whose heart is sealed and is seeking gratification as soon as the imam moses has retreated to the cave for 40 days and nights, because you now feel free...

this is the modern revolution, the one we have to come to be frankensteins in, the one that turned over the rule of law, of divine laws, of accountability and respect and reverence for the trees and forests and rivers and lakes and mountains, elders, and parents and anyone else who is in the way of whatever you desire...

...the freedom that is at stake in the modern world is the one between those who hold accountability to elders, spouses, children, land, forests, water, prayer, One...and the ones who prize the motto f the world, f everyone else, do you, i do me, the ones who say it's a free world, you can do whatever you like and do so by coming with an idea for an organic coconut drink and clear out entire natural forests for mono-cropping coconut trees, not caring that the coconut tree is part of a rich diverse ecosystem of a variety of plant and insect and bird life...

...the fast of ramadhan is fasting from the overloaded senses, the assault that occurs on reward pathways, that shoves dopamine to the point that our body doesn't recognize it, and requires more and more just to get that initial high - more meat, more porn, more alcohol, more sugar, more gadgets, latest, greatest...

...fasting from these screens, today, for a brief while, for me, meant Qur' al baqara...most of for close to an hour...felt good in the inverse way i feel after being behind a screen for an hour - like i was sleazed on, like i could vomit, but can't, so hold it in...

...reading the Qur'an felt like kale with dill, and red onions, and tangerine, and capers, with cold-pressed estra virgin olive oil and sea salt and apple cider vinegar, after a fresh glass of green juice with ginger... deeper with the float forward and back in asana practice...went hard...felt good...even as i was running on empty...felt awakened from the zombie state i was in from surfing the web earlier...

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