Saturday, June 16, 2018

ramadhan 2018 reflections

...all praise is due... this ramadhan... lessons... the math... the mathematics that are so ingrained in the science... that the number 9...

...rahmadhan - rahma - al rahman, al rahim - the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful...

...both sharing the root word - rahma - the womb ...

...rahmadhan - the month of revelation and prophecy - is when the prophet returned to the womb - days and days in meditation, in a cave - until - recite! ....

...rahmadhan - the 9th month of the lunar calendar... the marking of time and space in this path of Surrender to the Source of Peace...

...before the mudra of withdrawal from senses... i put forth the intention - i want to fall in Love with ALLAH... and... that... in returning to a space of emptiness... to release... to let go... to declutter excesses

...within the first week... it became a question - how do i fall in Love with You?...

...within the course of the subsequent week... it became clear... when do i fall Most in LOve?...'s when i Surrender... when i bow my head... when i spend more than whispered prayers on the ground... and keep my head low and my heart High...

...i feel Most in Love in salat  - in Connection - and i feel this Most when i am connecting with people, sharing genuine laughter, tears, seeing people i love and care about, and meeting new people from a space of curiosity... open-ness, Love... humility...

...the answer made itself clear - i fall in Love with You... through You... through all that You naturally Are - the Creation - Your Creation - other beings - including tree life, and rock life, and water life...

...i learned that i feel and Am in Love with You... when i create - when i am writing... when i create from a place of Essence, without audience...

...and this led to another revelation - that when i create from a space of pure humility, without attempting to control... i enter a space of effortless effort... of my pen moving without my mind... and characters, space and time... worlds develop, grow, harvest...

...some years back a character came out of me that i realized now... a decade later... that i never created... as i was in a space of meditation... of effortless effort... and that this character, i realized i didn't create... has come up to Guide me... has been sent to Guide me in the path of You...

...and what brought this up and confirmed it was surah jonah and al hud... that those who seek Guidance do so and are guided in the path of the Way... for the good of their own Soul... and this Guidance... is defined a sentence later as inspiration... as what we are inspired by - in spire is to breathe deep... that which allows pure pranic flow... thus it negates the inspiration to do bad, to hurt, to show off, to draw attention to self, to blow ego... instead... it is from that space of Love... of pure emptiness... and what better way to be inspired than in a space of rahma - of rahmadhan - of pure emptiness - withdrawal from senses to Work...

...the lessons this month are to Connect with others in deep and meaningful ways... to do this through being Guided by inspiration - that which inspires me to Create from a place of Quietness - to make room to do this by decluttering and doing self-less service to community - through Work - that is... and this was the other big takeaway -

...there is work that i want to do... that you want to do... and then there is work that needs to get done - opening up an apothecary with cool herbs and all is something i sometimes imagine - but that;s about me not You... and then there is Work that needs to be done... like speaking to mosques about eschewing the use of single- use disposable items, and instead requiring adherents and those coming for iftar to bring their own mugs and utensils... this way our ocean and land and kindred species and future generations and past generations are not desecrated... how do i use what i've learned and love doing - herbs, bodywork, food as medicine/veganism, yoga/i, writing, and adha-ing (hanging out) - to do the work that needs to be done?...

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