Sunday, April 7, 2019

...the interview... part I...

...will jungle make his rent so he doesn't have to move back to his parents, who are facing eviction...?...

...jungle was running late... you know the scenario... you have 2 hours before the interview, the alarm clock goes off... you looked at it and note how well prepared you are this time around, how it's different, how you have plenty of time, plenty, and a 15 minute snooze would be a good use of time...

...the alarm goes off 15 mins later... ah... you still have plenty of time... and after all it's more important to be well rested and show up at the interview refreshed and ready to expertly tackle the nerve-racking usual suspects - what makes you think you are qualified for this job? how does your experience relate to this job? where do you see yourself in five years? - not with your punk ass!!!, you comment as you get to this last question, and in fact, say as much to the interviewer, a faceless man with a barcode and a crown on top of his head and a suit so tight that looks like it would pop if he made the slightest move...

...that's when you realize you're dreaming... and feel warm and fuzzy to know that you are in bed and not up and about... thank goodness...

...3 snooze hits later... it is 8am and your interview is at 9am, and you think how you should probably get up even though you still have some wiggle time to make it... it's a 20 minute subway ride, and you walk like an ostritch... take a nice scorching hot shower, even though it's 90+ degrees outside, as hot showers always feels good in your book, and ten minutes later you are falling into a deep daydream of Daisy, the woman even your mom has told you to leave... another five minutes goes on in this way... when you get a call... and another and another.... you finally get out the shower and see that it's your mom and accidentally pick up regretting it immediately: why is the shower on? shouldn't you have left for the interview 30 minutes ago... doesn't sound like you have... you might as well not go... what's the point? you don't take anything seriously... sounds like the train is coming, you tell your mom and hang up wondering what the hell made you move in the apartment right upstairs from them... it's 8:25 and you have 35 minutes to get there... 

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