Sunday, August 11, 2019

...8.11.19... tarot: justice...

...all praise is due to the Creator of the womb from which derives mercy, compassion, and the number 9... a month of fasting that begins ends and travels in the name of the 1ness... the Most Merciful... the Most Compassionate...

...what justice is there when you scan through pages of web materials to see ads of people you do not look like... who may be of a different physical feature and image then you, even when/if of the same so-called race....?... how does that leave you feeling?... especially as they are touted as norm... this may be among scandinavians or nigerians or punjabis or cambodians or bengalis or... there is an ideal that may be pushed that is not you...

...what justice when my mom, after hearing my critique of the majority of foods in the supermarket as being bad for you says: "if they were so bad, why would they sell it?" i was floored... my mom ancient in her ways, moving through the math of the village even here in babylon... offering pots of biryani taller than her to anyone who comes through our door... her asking this question... made babylon feel that much more hurtful insidious sad...

...yes... why would they sell foods that inculcate carcinogens... layer the arteries with plaque... cause the pancreas to shoot insulin out of whack... etc. etc.???....

...justice... where is the justice? for anyone really... whether it be americans who were promised dreams... immigrants who were given hope... races that have been ordained a false sense of supremacy... races that have been prescribed a false sense of inferiority... etc etc... where is the justice?...

...justice for those struggling to make rent... to make a dream happen... to have Work that is meaningful and honors their talents... all praise is Always due...

...the justice card illustrates a lone king on his the king of suburbs... alone... lone... king... effortlessly holding a sword that is pointing up... perhaps a gesture to the One who Knows... he holds a scale in his left hand...signifying fairness...balance...

...the justice card avails you to stand in front of your deeds... to review what you have done... right and wrong... to see it for what it is to make amends to make changes in a way that benefit and grow you... it is not a judgement but an opportunity for you to do right by your Truth by what you Truly value...

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