Sunday, October 20, 2019

...full moon check in...

... hey You... You...


...20 october 2019... returned from p.a... and young j asked me about my intentions for this month... how it was going... forgot that we said we would check in w each other about our intentions periodically... we did... made me consider...recall my intentions for the month - to fumble forward... where?/how?... by way of holding clinic... by being clear and working towards Purpose... my Purpose... my offerings to you and you and you... through goals in writing... holding clinic... housing... a Lover...

...held clinic this past weekend... asked o.g.d to see him... work on him... in place of him paying for me to do landmark... i had my breakthrough - that i can keep consuming course after course and unless i integrate and work... Work... then stuck... so i Worked... he agreed... Worked on him... Worked on his employee... cooked for him... did his bodywork treatments... made medicine for him... heard him out... ideally i would've cooked for multiple people... this way the medicine i made and food i made was in batches... was reminded to make strategic collaborations - yoga studios who need ayurvedic practitioners in which we do a percentage share...

...there's a why of course... why do i want to do this?... hmmm... is it about others or me?... hmmm... the why is that i want you to Love yourself and you can't unless you get the junk out... the junk is beliefs and the physiological placement of those beliefs... so You can be a 100 for others... so the Real why is to support you and me to Connect to Self... so we could get past the lies that keep use from shining our Light... housing... spent several hours looking at spots... and listened to some useful talks on guesthousing... air bnbing... working towards a holistic health yoga/ayurveda/sufi guesthouse experience... writing... just came from another writing workshop... considering and integrating suspense... goals... obstacles model from workshop from last month... completed a rough outline for revising my work... so all praise is due... Connecting with Lover... i believe this will become more clear as i Am offering my Work... and the channel for this is becoming clear... all praise is due... the clearer you can be about your offering the more crystal clear it will be to others...

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