Monday, January 18, 2021

...draw boundaries... embrace the gift of assault... 1.18.21... the name of the Most High... in You and ALL Beings... 

...and then there is us... the deranged... the entitled... the world owes me something... the narcissistic... the moral and socially destitute... the desire mangled... the spend crazed... the self-delusional-mirror in hand zombies... the me-me-me... let me tell you about me... the irked at everyone and everything... the healer-misanthropes... the socially concerned conceited... the conversational megalomaniacs... the me and my people are the most oppressed... the look at me...

...and the list goes on... and so does the mantra... the mantras... the dhikr.. .the peace and Love to All Beings as stated at the end of both buddhist and yogic practices... the Rahman Rahim... Most Compassionate Most Merciful repeated several times a minute... 

...and yet... this paradox... of living with ourselves... living with this level of self-delusional self -involved... so how/where do we find balance?... how do we recognize Self in the trumps kanyes hillarys...beyonces ...?... the ones who may be on the ground level... the ones we are surrounded by in our cricles... how... 

...Love... Always come back to breath and give thanks and praise for this breath... for ALLAH... for this opportunity to be in this body and engage in the world... you could just as easily lose the breath and not be here... just like that... so while you are here... while you breathe... be in a state of gratitude...

...two... give thanks for the wound... the opportunity that the problem presents... an alcoholic friend... a megalomaniac who spends your 45 minute car ride talking non stop and smoking non stop... and does this for the next 45 min stretch and the next hour or 4... the opportunity is in the pain... the pain is feeling violated... of penetrated without consent... of robbed of precious time... the pain then asks the question - what can you do to honor your sense of honor?... the resolve could be to draw boundaries... to confront... to ask/share for Quiet for boundaries from a place of Compassion... 

...three... before you do this... a preceding step is to Close and Connect... to return to Source... and in doing so Breathe... deep... laugh... nod... cry... blow... open your eyes... take action... from this place...

...four uphold this as not a fixed but cardinal sign... something you get to keep practicing... through presencng... as it comes up... vs a one time thing that you are over and done with... headstand is impossible if you only do it once a year... it's a daily practice into second nature... 

...breathe the perfume... the notes blended through various lives to give accents... to lift... for ascension... for chittas to be free of vrittis and for self to recognize Self... in the name of ALLAH... the Most Compassionate... the Most Merciful... 

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