Tuesday, January 12, 2021

...spread your Love... 1.12.21....


...veganism ties in the relation of interspecies - animal life of ground air and water... it draws to the foreground the impact animal farming has on our earth and water supply and the emissions to our air... it requires us to be more mindful about ecosystems and their sanctity... about what we put into our body and the hands that touched it...

...of course veganism could be a fad... and individual choice... about losing weight... proving a point... but when you go deeper... when it is from a place of yuj - yoga - union... you are required to face your Maker... you are embedded in tawhid - the One-ness of ALLAH - hence the 99 are One... 

...capricorns... the goats can accomplish this more easily due to their discipline... their ability to climb with single minded focus... pragmatic in their climb and in setting their goals... aquarius' offer us a bit more of the dream... of the world of space and air... of helping us reconceptualize hearty meals with vegan preparation... of thinking outside the box... of being free thinkers... and as such may invite us to enter the realm of their mind which they are in often... if you are lucky enough to be part of their inner circle... 

...veganism is a purpose... with religious elements like proseletyzing... of seeking converts... but for the good of all... a shared purpose in spirituality is essential... if everyone goes vegan there is still the matter of these bodies coming and going... of sensory addictions to sights and sounds... tastes and touches that cuse alcolhlism and sex addiction... sugar binges and violence... 

...in the name of ALLAH... i realize in my practice today how quickly the 2:45 go in practice... when the focus is not on time but of getting through certain pose sequences... go through certain writing sequences everyday... certain medicine making and cooking sequences... of clinic and karma yoga... of love making... all of it is Love making... sharing/making use of what You Know is Love making... 

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