Saturday, February 13, 2021

...past the cool... 2.13.21...

 ...guns.. nickel plated .22... a .45 in the glove compartment... not mine... not in my car... not in my life... i pass on the opportunity to sound cool... to affirm her desire for me to be more... to be a ny story that involves weapons... a back in the day when my waist was in heat from the .9 milli... the one i'd grab for and let em have it... nah... not me... i'll pass on that version of cool... on that poor victim imagery that is affirmed and reinforced in sociology and english classes... in movement talk... in music videos and movies and shows... as american as apple pie and mass shootings... nah... no... i'll pass... rather not be that cool...

...risk cool for being an Aligned Being... for Being more than a moment... hence ALLAHooAkbar... ALLAH - the One-ness - is Greater than any single moment... then your grief and ecstasy... then your acid trip and orgasm... then your suicidal tendency and graduation... Greater than the uniform you have come to identify as you body...

...embrace the cool that comes from deep meditation from the vipassana teachings of siddhartha gautama buddha... the tools he has gifted you through the Gift to handle anything... meditation so deep you will be able to surgically remove the samskaras that you've come to identify as you... i drink coffee every morning... ski breakfast but have a sirloin steak and 5lbs of veggies for lunch... let go and Be-come... have the opportunity to rise to Your Highest and as much as your individual moments avail this... the True practice is in community in meaningful accountable community... family... tribe... 

...hands up... head bowed... and no 9 on my back... just a Surrender to the One-ness... the greatest ecstasy... 

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