Friday, March 5, 2021 fertile for... 3.5.21... the name of ALLAH... astar is before us... astar... known as easter or transferred to easter during the christian church-ization of the ancient germanic tradition honoring the fertility god astar...

...the egg is immensely symbolic... profound in its representation of birth... of entering a period of birthing... of giving rise... the seed...

...the seed requires us at once to plant... to be deliberate in what we sow so we repeat accordingly but also that we give up... destroy... as in order for a seed t sprout it has to destroy itself... 

...what will you destroy... what do you want o give birth to?... the natural world it is winter that is the greatest time for intimacy of planting the physical seed of birthing... and the spring is the time of planting the seed for food... for what we will eat... what do you want to eat...?... remember that chips and cakes don't exactly grow... they are processed... what do  you want to grow and perhaps then combine and consume?... why?...

...for me the why is the beginning... i want to grow deeper in my ascent in the yogic path... i want to grow in my asana practice - both in strength and flexibility as we flow through series ii iii and iv in the ashtanga series... but i also want to grow deeper in my karma and bhakti... to be a selfless servant... to grow deeper in my devotion to my family... and tribe... to build on and grow this by deepening the bonds i have... being more accoutnable... being more present... showing up... sharing and offering my Gifts... doing something with it... as my Guru mother always reminds me... to do something with the gifts i have received... the name of ALLAH... 

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