Thursday, March 4, 2021

...turn the internet off... 3.4.21...


..."we find out who we are by the works we produce", said steven pressfield to rich roll in an interview in which pressfield spoke of the importance of not giving into our resistance... and instead resisting our resistance through a discipline in our craft... whether that be writing or yoga... cooking or medicine making... setting aside dedicated uninterrupted time free of distractions...

...of course we are in the age of distraction he says... the conundrum of the age... our resistance to focus are the distractions he says... it's a different way to look at resistance than in resistance training... where you embrace resistance... where your muscles resisting the weights that are collapsing onto your body in a bench press is essential to not be crushed and in the process growing... here is the inverse... your mind resisting the urge to look at your phone... to see if anyone responded to your date app... or liked the post you posted on i.g... resist that and embrace the focus... the work.. the writing... letting yourself be crushed by it... letting the music you play engulf you... take over... so that is no longer your hand that plays...

...and this is the difference between writing a short form like this for 15mins to writing for an hour to writing for 3-4...

...there are some poses that only become possible after an hour of asana practice... at least... and then other poses become available... to stop after an hour would mean starting all over again if you pick it up again 3-4 hours after... after-all you built heat... kindled fire... built limberness... and then you take a pause... when you start again you will have to start again... work your way back up... hence a 2-3 hour practice can accomplish things that a fragmented practice doesn't avail... 

...embrace the Work... turn off your phone... turn off your internet... Work... start with a little something... a short paragraph... work your way to a page... then three...  then let go... and Listen to what is coming out through You...

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