Saturday, May 14, 2022

5.14.22 ...through Quietness...

 ...time happens whether you do or not... i happened to be in the cafe... on the other side of the commons where bran would meet me in an hour or so or really i'd meet him... and not here... but it felt nice to think that a friend would meet me here, post on the table next to me and do their thing and we wouldn't have to talk except for every so often, after making some progress in life in the screen, we'd shoot out for a minute and hop up and down talking about this and that for 3 minutes before sinking back to Work...

...something about this Work thing... keeps coming up... a pearl provided by the Jewel... 

...what is the Work?... what is the circumstance for the Work... what is the fear in committing? it is that there may be a string... a rope... a tethering... a restraint on siting around and doing nothing for hours... 

...babylon freedom gets threatened by every person we are responsible for, every family member we have to check in with... every friend we build relations with... 

...circumstance?... writing... daily... write daily... journal daily... see what happens... see what comes up... where it could be a space with others... thing that occurred to me during this last bit of the blatant narcissism i witnessed from dude was just how disgusting egotistic-ness is... how i needed to be subjected to that to see myself... to see if i am moving from a place of genuine concern about the world and its issues or am i being like most in the modern world - branding?... how can have my Work an embodiment of the One... ?... a dedication... a not about me... a no one needs to know or see it... just do the Work?... go deeper in Your craft... in yoga in writing... in cooking... in breathing... in bodywork... in foraging... not to know more... not to get your name out there... but to share... to Connect... to be behind the scenes... to do cause it needs doing... 

...this is brief... it goes quick... your grave is besides you... 18 was decades ago... the cemetery is around the bend... but there are some people you will pass along the way... your task is to merely Love them... to understand... to Be Compassion... to Be Honest... Transparent... kind... giving... to Listen more than speak... to bring out their Light to shed a light on their Light... to do this by going deeper in Your arts... in creation... in Creating... in seeing what comes up instead of trying to contribute something... share Your Works Listen... see if it's needed... see if it's coming from something deep withIn You... what stems from withIn?... what can you do to Connect what you Are doing with this?... 

...share... Love... hold space... no competition... no trying to be better... no judgements... pure Love... 

...rocketship... it goes quick... Love fully... deeply... with presence... full presence... 

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