Saturday, September 1, 2018


...i'll be coming down this mountain... into... back into... race... running... season... this is a season of life... to everything...

...i see this here... in her... in here... the passing phases of generations... of students and people and the love they share... the flirtation... the drinks... the generations after... the ones with some work... the ones who lingered... the generations before.. the ones who mark names from themselves with blatant movements to draw eyes and ears...  the generations after these... the ones who navigate being part of something... of figuring out how... of not getting it... of children that grow into adolescence...

...and as i return... as i re-enter this phase of Being... i no longer scratch my head and search a million job sites and sublets... because there is work to do... and i am here to do it... i am here to share the Gift that needs sharing...

...all praise is due... doing... doing the Work because it needs doing... and i will Be provided for because i know what it is that needs to be done...

...what i am afraid of is that i will forget... that i won't see the point in my offering... will think it is meaningless... will think priority... of things i have to do before... of putting it off... i will think i am not qualified... i will feel overwhelmed by trying to do it alone... i am afraid that i won't do it... do i walk into the fear... by being clear that what i am doing is not about me... is about the Work... that the Work needs to be done... that it is important... that i let go of the fear of money and legitimacy and perfection by asking... by inviting... by doing it... as it needs doing...

...after i got back... i had a steady gig... i got the self-Love kit done and out there... i made the medicines and collaborated with artists on it... i met with you... i got the money to do it... it was a detox.. a reset... an elevation... it was the caterpillar, the chrysallis, and the butterfly... it was metamorphosis... i was interested in metamorphosis... and instead of being an entrepreneur, trying to figure out the business of things... i did... i Created... because it needed doing...

...single-minded focus got me there... and instead of trying to control it... instead of trying to get you to buy it... instead of trying to sell an idea... i asked ALLAH what is it that you want me to do with this past... with this path of yogi, writer, medicine man... and i've received the message that i Am supposed to share it with You to building yuj with each other... with yourSelf... with the earth... with Life... with the Here-After...

...this journal... and these medicines will keep you out of the hospital... will restore you... will support your ascension...

...i begin with what i have already... and then invite you to be part of a team...

...the Work is Surrender in the Infinite... this is Maya... and if you were to die and come back to this moment... how would you engage with it? what would you do differently?...

...i would make sure You Knew You Are Beautiful...

...i would laugh... bend boundaries... shape... inspired by the Knowing... the shift in weather... steamy to cool... fall crisp...

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