Friday, December 13, 2013

day 12: 144,000

friday the 12th. 12 holy men, 12 at the last supper, 12 around the sun of God, 12 hours in the a.m, 12 in the p.m, 12 months, 12 signs, 12 tribes, 12,000 per tribe, 144,000.

the 144,000 will meet on a mountain between india and africa, that's what kam told me, when he mysteriously appeared at my gig. i found him in my chair after returning from walking on winter to ground my fleeting head.

i didn't recognize him at first. kam had stopped eating anything cooked since last i saw him, since the year before when he laid like a feather on the couch in my family's living room couch. he was fasting then, water and juices, going into a deep meditation, explaining why he dropped out of yale, why school was deterring his education. he left like a breeze that night and his stories would be retold like the words of paul and john, among the few of us he shared revelation with.

he'd been to iran and india and followed the silk road into east asia and until he met mystics trading biblical secrets for islamic prayers. kam recited the words djibril spoke to the prophet, the men, in their ancient cloaks, handed kam a key to revelations.

jesus was on a diet of primarily bee pollen, kam told me, pulling out a little sack of golden seeds that he placed on my desk, strewn with paperwork.

the meeting time is coming, kam said, brushing his newly formed beard that sat close to his sunken chest, bulging ribs. he was on a permanent fast, drinking waters, teas, munching select sacred fruits and beepollen.

how? when? where? i asked, trying to understand his language, his references, his frame of thought.

we will know. we will recognize each other on the streets and the trains. we will make our way to the mountain, before the fires, earthquakes consume them.

fires? quakes?

the fault lines that already exist, that are giving way, the natural disasters, the wars, the pollution - all the man made chaos that was predicted in revelations, is coming to fruition. but not everyone will be consumed. not the 144,000.

kam slipped into the fall night and became a pyramid code i've been returning to ever since, to decode the meaning of 12 and 144,000. fasting brought him to these truths. his truth. 

1 comment:

  1. It all started with 555, a number that appeared to me at odd times. Arguing, yelling, and losing all focus with the man I once loved. Looking back at the big digital clock, I see the big bold red numbers "555." I stood there in awe wondering what I was seeing and what it all meant. Our relationship ended soon after but I continued to see this number. I became fascinated with the event and decided to find the meaning behind it all. Numerology was my new best friend. Numbers became an obsession. I knew at this point my Universe was about to change.

    More numbers appeared to me, each with a different meaning. I noticed depending on what I was doing and where I was at, they would always follow with a message. The numbers always appear to me in 3's. 3 is such a powerful number in my life. Animals, numbers, events, and friends are a few of the many things that come to me in 3's. 111 reminds me to focus on positive thoughts, 222 reminds me to keep balance and harmony in my life, 333 teaches me growth, optimism, and expansion, 444 reminds me that my spiritual beings are with me always watching over me, 555 reminds me to let go of old habits and embrace life changes. Funny enough I saw 555 when I first met my guru ancient warrior. 666 resonates with the financial aspects of my life, 777 lets me know when I listen to divine guidance and assures me that my spiritual beings are with me congratulating me, 888 indicates that financial and material abundance is on its way into my life, 999 reminds me that a phase or cycle is ending, 000 resonates with the energies and attributes of eternity, the beginning point, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles, flow, the ‘God force’ and Universal energies.

    Funny how 999 ends a cycle but 000 begins a new one. Numbers represent a cycle of life. A cycle of meaning and interpretation of ones journey. The numbers appear to me because I'm ready. Ready to play life's game. Ready to solve this puzzle and get ahead. Keep moving forward...Don't look back. Once the pawn has stepped forward, it can no longer step back. There are no wrong moves, only new moves. Choose wisely and keep the faith that it will all work out in the end. The end is only the beginning...
