Monday, December 30, 2013

day 26: signs

sometimes, days skip a beat like men in love with the queens chick in the underwater ashram where everyone gathers in satsang and pulls songs from ganesh's vast volumes of lyrics he wrote on the n train, in between past and future lives.

day 26 was two days after christmas, on the 27th, 26 days after the new moon, just as the 9th month, ramadhan, never stays fixed, due to the prostration of muslims (ones who submit - islam- to the Oneness) to the signs described in the qur'an, for man to live by - the moon, the planets and the stars.

the signs have led this fast to be on the edge of the cliff of winter, the most festive of all months, when food becomes plentiful and holiday parties abound. i did not choose this lunar month to fast, to detox, but my indolence grew in me a hunch back and arms dragging asphalt till i was crawling, on fours.

and the signs say: stop, walk, men at work, fulsom prison this way, welcome to queens.

as a shorty, my sight was poor, more short changed than my pops for rent, then my moms for dreams. i missed all the signs, and watched kids plot futures, schools and professions while i looked at the motion of their cheeks, the blink of their eyes, how many times in a minute, the cute gesticulations of their arms that almost fit the rhythm of their flapping mouths. years passed and i wrote it all down. then i started meeting random people, people who would pass on a message, sometimes in a whisper, and keep on, as if they were rebels of a rebel army, relaying the word of the movement and being spotted could get them life. i didn't know what to do with these situations until they piled like the unread books in my room.

i'm seeing signs now, like the roach that just crawled up the wall in front of me, means i gotta clean this room thoroughly before families of them come out in broad daylight with a picnic cloth and suck their teeth at me. i'm also reading signs in others, about their bodies, their health, imbalance and how it fits into the theory that is the fabric of life - Air Land Liquid Atmosphere Heat. 


  1. peace ak,

    i'm thinking....signs...the roach...
    the concept is ill. never thought of this before. of course, we know: there's the natural order and motion of the universe that is constant..dynamic..evolving -however to say it. and then on the other hand there is our seeing/interpretation
    of it. and in our seeing/recognizing it (possibly drawing a connection or giving meaning to what we see, we might profess, "its a sign" - the proverbial, "we only see what we are ready to".

    but, the part that is bugging me (beyond the roach) is...its there whether we recognize/acknowledge or not. Nature steady doing her thang. it exist whether we see it or not. giving it a name (sign) is really us acknowledging that there is something going on without me and I'm now taking notice. maybe, that's why the roach sucks her/his teeth, "you better re-COGNize."

    i'm thinking....

    1. wow. all praise is due... yes. nature is working, doing her thing, with or without us and the signs are all over, in every nano stitching in the fabric of life. ultimately, it's up to us to see it, to choose to learn, by way of Quietness, by way of recognizing, as the roach demanded. yes!
