Sunday, April 25, 2021 12... ramadhan 2021... the name of ALLAH... yesterday was the first day in a while when i didn't goto the cafe to do some writing... i've been going ordering something and taking it after iftar... just so i could be out of the house... be in a vibrant environment... feel motivated to write... but i know i can kindle this wherever i am... it just feels to be in an environment fo creation and creativity...

...did a hike along ridley creek... parked half a mile away in a suburban street and hoped i didn't offend anyone's sensibilities as being an outside to their area... as i trekked to the park came across a lot of fiddleheads and garlic weed... at the park i reacquainted with the sycamore trees... the chestnut oak - brilliant both of them - the ash... the blue birch - the thin witch hazel - the cigar tree - others that i've been befriending;... the skunk cabbage had grown tremendously since a week ago and most of the trees had foliage that they didn't only a week ago... although it has been mild to cool recently... the season of spring will tell you what makes it spring - growth - we also see this growth in our bodies as we grow in mucus and histamine... 

...i was going to goto sit outside of wholefoods and do some writing but instead came home... cooked a really delicious meal that i thought of after iftar and suhoor in considering what to make for tonight... 

...what kept me from slipping into the terrestrial... int he mundane of momentary interactions... of keep myself adrift in my sense of woes and desires to be stimulated was dhikr... i reminded myself of taqwah - of ramadhan - and my tongue trained my mind through laillahaillala...

...this kept me focused on the revelations fo the month - that to fulfill obligations means to fully be face to face wit them - to approach them with honesty instead of rationalizing ways out - to see your Work through completion even when you would rather not fight... go to mujjahadir with your nafs - laziness, procrastination, fear of audience response, rejection, complacency, easy ways out - recall the words of rumi - speak and work for an audience of One... inshALLAH... 

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