Saturday, April 24, 2021 11... ramdhan 2021... the name of ALLAH.... 

...i almost wrote 2012 instead of 2021... it happens this way... that i forget time... i don't realize i'm going through it as rapidly as i am and numbers seem dissolute... but then memories bubble and i am in awe... that was 9 years ago... when i left my career... to go fully on my path as a writer yogi medicine man... it's been a long time coming... i can't say i've fully dedicated myself and my greatest moments have been a combination of seeking and getting Guidance and practice... in my writing i could benefit from continued Guidance... from being in a space of community with other writers... of getting insight in my shortcomings... where i am hitting walls... i would say that's applicable to my yoga practice and medicine manning... but less so... through practice these areas have grown and continue to grow... and yet i can still use Guidance... ALLAH Knows best...

...yesterday i was able to get the grounds from t for the medicine projects... have been drying them out... will be outing together the other ingredients for the mixture to ensure a Connection... a resolve... a transformation... inshALLAH...

...i made a sample of the scent - actually - i didn't make anything - i put together/mixed scents that others labored in extracting from ALLAH's Nature... and something beautiful came together... a healing scent for summer not just for others to engage and be allured to You... but for your cleansing... as per prescriptions of the ancients... all praise is due...

...i also arranged the ingredients for the oil for taurus season... powdered and alchemized them as per prescriptions... and set them up to be mixed with the carrier oil which i incorporated this morning... and in my haste dropped a glass that shattered in a hundred pieces... taking up part of my morning to clean... which was a Gift as it required to be aware of space... of how medicine making is a Divine process that requires pause and a clear clean space... vs the cluttered space i was working out of... 

...the daily reading of the Qur'an has been immensely growing... has brought me into a space of Work... of fighting for ALLAH's cause... and not for my name and work... to Work and engage in yoga not to impress others but to grow deeper in this Gift and share the learnings with others - this is what ALLAH taught me... on the mat... when i fought when i didn't want to fight... when i stayed constant... when i humbled myself... to do this in the medicines i share with you - that these are Gifts from ALLAH - that ALLAH reminds us to look at the canopy of stars... to pause and reflect... to mark time and space through the seasons and planets and cosmos... and this is where this comes from... this what inspired this... 

...all praise is due...

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