Thursday, April 29, 2021 16... ramadhan 2021... the name of the Most High... the Healer (al Jabbar)... the Essence (al Ikram)... the Source of Peace (al Salam)... the Opener (al Fatah)... the Forgiver (al Ghaffar)... the Eternal Flame (al Qanhar)... the Blesser (al Wahab)... the Vast (al Mutakabir)... the Shaper (al Mussawir)... 

...i learned from a talk on islam from shaykh hamza yusef that when asked to recall things about someone in your life... you are most likely to recall their generosity, their anger... their humor, their warmth, etc... it is the traits we remember... the 99 names of ALLAH are the Divine traits that place us at once in a place of remembrance ot ALLAH's eternality... blessings... and situates us in gratitude but also through repetition fo these words keeps us in a space of aspiration to be kinder, to be more generous, more peaceful, more compassionate.. inshALLAH... 16 saw me wake up well into the late morning... close to the afternoon... didn't fall asleep till after fajr... and not because i was up praying... i was tossing and turning after transferring some scented oil i arranged... this kept me up till 2am... after fajr the sleep was like stepping into my parents place... immediately home... immediately held... 

...finally transferred the coffee grinds to jars after ensuring there was no moisture left... or what i believe to be no moisture... drove to ridley and took a short walk where i paused lots and stare at weeds... a woman noticing me stare asked me if i was looking at the dutchman's breeches... what's that i asked... she pointed out these molar looking tiny flowers... it was nice... i didn't go far as it was hot and i was still in a daze from getting up so late and needing to go food shopping... it's interesting to witness the body during a fast food shopping... i had to keep reminding myself at whole foods and at the grocery store that i needed this or that... that it was hunger and exhaustion that was fantasizing on my behalf... 

...after coming home i made a couple of dishes - 3 - a broccoli dish with beets and coconut flakes - it was excellent... also made a mushroom and sun-dried tomato dish that was awesome... had this with an impossible burger for dinner.. and made some split pea soup... for the protein... noticed how my weights been dropping... so have to be more nutrient dense and less fiber dense in ramadhan...

...the box of bottles came in... transferred the oil into these bottles and probably lost at least a full bottles worth in the transferring process from dropping... need to put the larger oil bottle on top of a plate or bowl so i could make use of the oil when spillage occurs... it occurred that the scent of the massage oil may not match the sensibilities of a sanitized audience used to synthetic fragrance vs medicinal fragrance... 30 bottles of scents and body oils packaged... reached out to a graphic designer... hoping it works out for the logo design... looking like i need to let go of the web designer... he seems to have dementia and is lacking aesthetic skills...  

...prepped the coffee facials with the remaining ingredients for 30 small jars... just need to work on the smokes and getting the labels and box or bag it will all come in... 

...the reminder from ALLAH... stay in a place of Work... but keep the hereafter central... Know that your work should match with this frequency... 

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