Wednesday, April 28, 2021 15... ramadhan 2021...


...bismillah... 15 saw me up late... reminding myself to Work... to do what i am avoiding - transferring the infused scent oil to the bottles... ensuring the dried grinds are free of moisture and ready for transfer... of considering the honey medicine and taking steps towards it... bu then from 2am - 5am i was mostly tossing and turning... could've been up in prayer... in a state of dhikr through asana practice... the name of ALLAH... 

...dreamt... after fajr... after noticing the break of dark seep through the window and still being up... after laying down after... went into a series of dreams... dreams where i was surrounded by people and alone... where i was nearly stabbed and jumped... where i witnessed a friend off the deep end... 

...collected dandelion flowers... placed them in a jar and washed them... placed them on a mat to be dried...

...considered graphic designers on fiverr... felt sleazed on... wrong... unethical... as it was transactional... as it was giving into a new world order of transactions... of no relations... would rather do it myself or work withs someone i know...

...learned about islam's relation to zodiac... researched this after coming across a reverence in the Qur'an on the zodiac... as a sign... the anti-astrological fatwahs seem to stem from the speculative fortune/future telling aspect of modern horoscopes... but it seems like the stars and movement of planets is an essential part of tapping into ALLAH's signs... instead of being speculative and predictive... being humbled and reverential and looking at what these signs may mean to us...

...did a meet and greet at the apothecary nearby for people to connect with my work and for Connection... met a young man who has been going through a beautiful exploratory heath journey... it was a highlight - to Connect with him.. to be able to be in interface in a meaningful way... all pause is due... 

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