Monday, April 12, 2021

the battle with distraction... 4.12.21...

 ...away fro distraction.... the babylon culture will convince us we need things that are wants... that are false wants... clothes... jeans and shirts... sneakers and shoes... gadgets... the newest iphone and ipad... we are a people prostrate to wants... wants that make us nauseous after we obtain them... 

...these distractions bleed into jobs... work that is unnecessary... that is painted as essential... that is portrayed as professional and beneficial... we see this with nutritionists and doctors... teachers and lawyers... why do we as ancient-wisdom cultures (whatever your b.g)... need a nutritionist to tell us how to eat?... to tell us what foods not to have?... we've been eating well for millennia... diets in alignment with ALLAH...

...ramadhan represents this in a way that nutritionists of babylon now may recommend - intermittent fasting... but will divorce the spirituality of it... the prayer... the giving... the humility... the name of ALLAH... forgive... let go... when you hold onto a grudge a wrong you feel done to you... you make that person an idol... you give them power over you... don't not be a nutritionist out of disdain for the babylon of it... but for the love of Truth and Path and Nature...

...this is a month to unplug from distraction... from anger and hate... from jealousy and hurt... even being hurt keeps you in a state of idolizing... the name of ALLAH... 

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